Snake's Small Charm of Sustenance
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 24
+15 to Life
+10-12 to Mana
Small Charm - 15 Life 10-12 Mana scl
Snake's Small Charm of Vita
Required Level: 39
+20 to Life
+10-15 to Mana
Small Charm - 20 Life 10-15 Mana scl
Serpents Small Charm of Vita
Required Level: 40
+16 to Mana
Small Charm - 20 Life 16 Mana scl
+17 to Mana
Small Charm - 20 Life 17 Mana scl
Serpent's Small Charm of Balance
+5% Faster Hit Recovery
Small Charm - 5% Fhr 17 Mana scl