D2R Fortitude Archon Plate - 30 All Res - 1.5 Life

Fortitude Archon Plate - 30 All Res - 1.5 Life


Archon Plate


Defense: 1245-1587

Durability: 60 of 60

Required Strength: 103

Required Level: 63

20% Chance to cast level 15 Chilling Armor when struck

+25% Faster Cast Rate

+300% Enhanced Damage

+200% Enhanced Defense

+15 Defense

+1.5 to Life (Based on Character Level)

Replenish Life +7

+5% to Maximum Lightning Resist

All Resistances +30

Damage Reduced by 7

12% Damage Taken Goes To Mana

+1 to Light Radius

Socketed (4)

Updated: 12/12/2024
SKU: fortitude-ap-30res-perf
  • Softcore Non-Ladder
In Stock