Act 1 Faith Merc - Bronze
- Contains
- 1 ×
Giant Skull
Bone Visage
Defense: 350-477
Durability: 40 of 40
Required Strength: 106
Required Level: 65
10% Chance of Crushing Blow
+250-320 Defense
+25-35 to Strength
Socketed (1)
Giant Skull - 1 Socket - 1 ×
Archon Plate
Defense: 410-524
Durability: 60 of 60
Required Strength: 103
Required Level: 63
5% Chance to cast level 15 Fade when struck
25% Chance to cast level 15 Venom on striking
+2 to Assassin Skills
+45% Increased Attack Speed
+20% Faster Hit Recovery
Cold Resist +30%
50% Extra Gold from Monsters
Socketed (3)
Treachery Archon Plate - 1 ×
Grand Matron Bow
Two-Hand Damage: 60 to 309
(Amazon Only)
Required Dexterity: 152
Required Strength: 108
Required Level: 65
Bow Class - Normal Attack Speed
Level 12-15 Fanaticism Aura When Equipped
+1-2 to All Skills
+3 to Bow and Crossbow Skills (Amazon Only)
+330% Enhanced Damage
Ignore Target's Defense
300% Bonus to Attack Rating
+75% Damage to Undead
+50 to Attack Rating against Undead
+120 fire damage
All Resistances +15
10% Reanimate as: Returned
75% Extra Gold from Monsters
Socketed (4)
Faith Grand Matron Bow - 3 Bow 1 All Skill