20 × Pack
Unidentified Annihilus
Small Charm
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 70
+1 to All Skills
+10-20 to all Attributes
All Resistances +10-20
+5-10% to Experience Gained
Unidentified Anni scl
Defense: 50-60
Durability: 20 of 20
Unid Griffon's Eye scl
Hellfire Torch
Large Charm
Required Level: 75
5% Chance to cast level 10 Firestorm on striking
+3 to Class Skills
+8 to Light Radius
Level 30 Hydra (10/10 Charges)
Unidentified Hellfire Torch scl
10 × Unidentified Anni + 1 Free scl
Ceremonial Javelin
Throw Damage: 27 to 81
One-Handed Damage
(Amazon Only)
Required Dexterity: 99
Required Strength: 15
Javelin Class - Fast Attack Speed
Ethereal (Cannot be Repaired)
Unid Titan's Revenge - Ethereal scl
Can be Inserted into Socketed Items
Unid Rare Jewel (Hell Found) scl
20 × Unidentified Rare Jewels (Hell Found) scl
10 × Unid Hellfire Torch + 1 Free scl
Dimensional Shard
One-Hand Damage: 30 to 53
(Sorceress Only)
Unid Death's Fathom scl
Unid Small Charm (Hell Found) scl
20 × Unidentified Anni + 3 Free scl
Unid Magic Amulet (Hell Found) scl
20 × Unid Hellfire Torch + 3 Free scl
20 × Unidentified Small Charms (Hell Found) scl
Rare Ring
20 × Unidentified Rare Rings (Hell Found) scl
Unid Magic Gloves (Blood) scl
10 × Pack
Defense: 31
Durability: 35 of 35
10 × Unidentified Rare Circlets (Hell Found) scl
Unid Magic Ring (Hell Found) scl